About Me

Nadezhdina Elizavet Alekseevna родилась в 1995 году в семье художников Марины и Алексея Надеждиных. Закончила АХПК им В.М. Васнецова в 2015 году. Сейчас студентка 5 курса Академии Акварели Сергея Андрияки.

She grew up in a creative atmosphere, where her artisitc parents who are also former students of the Abramtetskovo school were always engaged in creativity and paint was at hand.

After graduating from art school in Khotkovo, she attented the painting department in college. Elizavet realized that you need to work hard and put effort and thougt into everything you do. This allows the artist to becomes an instrument who relays thought, emotion, willpower, and worldview.

One of the themes is the reinterpreted myths passed through the prism of modernity. Love, care, loyalty, kindness, support, sadness and sorrow, and hope are unshakable and unchanging at all times. It is the mindset towards these topics that encourage me to create my own compositions, such as "Adam and Eve", "Christmas", "The Abduction of Europe”, and many more. Among of the characters here, in my paintings, are modern people who find themselves in almost biblical situations.

Russian epics inspired me to create the image of bird-girl. "Sirin" and "Alcanost" are not illustrations for any literary work, they are characters into which I have put my heart, feelings, thought, and emotions.

Developing this theme, Elizavet came up with ideas of women, women-birds, inviolable women, strange, predatory, wild and dangerous, but alive, beautiful, interesting and mysterious.

Often the ideas of the paintings arise by themselves, something strikes imagination and ideas and an image is instantly created. An example is, “Opium”. Working on the next piece, I went to the kitchen for a cup of tea, there the TV was playing life in Afghanistan, the people were dressed in white clothes and cut poppy heads, and the juice flowed out of them and dried up, then was cleaned off with knives. The contrast of pure white clothes and black juice could not fail to catch my attention. This is how woman-bird appeared - with an armful of poppies, her gaze a intimidating and fierce. I imagine a moment when time stops, and-silence. We become a part of the painting, come across with the characters face to face, as if suddenly they were "caught".

It's good when an idea comes up suddenly and there is a natural ease of execution. There should be simplicity in artwork, it should not "smell of sweat ..."

The theme of the painting "Masquerade" arose in much the same way. I imagined the hunting season and a feast of Sirin birds at the table set by the hunters. Wearing bird masks, the madam-sirins took the hunters far into the thicket, and they themselves feasted.

I usually work with sauce, sanguine, sepia, oil pencils, watercolor, tempera and oil.

Before starting work, I make a preliminary sketch. I work from a piece, after filling the main spots with a certain desired tone.

Participation in exhibitions


~ Participant of the exhibition of the Moscow regional competition of easel works dedicated to the 65th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War "Dedicated to the Great Victory!" the city of Dmitrov. Year 2010

~ Laureate of the 4th international show - competition "This Day of Victory" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. From the WTOO Union of Artists of Russia. 2015, Moscow.

~ Winner of the nominated painting "My View of the War" at the exhibition-competition of creative works of students and teachers of art institutions. Sergiev Posad 2015.

~ Participant of the International Festival-Competition "ETHNO ART FEST" Russia - Great Britain 2016.

~ Participant of the International Festival-Competition "ETHNO ART FEST" Russia - Great Britain 2017.

~ Participant of the exhibition "Youth 34" Moscow Agricultural Academy (MCX) 2017.

~ Participant of the project to restore the historical appearance of the Moscow Kremlin "Reconstruction of the lost treasures of the Chudov and Voznechensky monasteries and the Small Nikolaevsky Yard" Moscow Manege 2017.

~ Winner in the nomination of "City Scenery" painting: "Meeting". Moscow Academy of Watercolor S. N. Andriyaki 2018.

~ Winner of the creative competition "Fatherland", nomination: "Compatriot", painting: "Christmas". Moscow Academy of Watercolor S. N. Andriyaki 2019.

~ Winner of the creative competition "Fatherland", nomination: "Compatriot", painting: "Adam and Eve". Moscow Academy of Watercolor S. N. Andriyaki 2019.

~ Winner of the creative competition "Fatherland", nomination: "Idea of the Russian city", painting: "My Kostroma". Moscow Academy of Watercolors S. N. Andriyaki 2019

~ Participant of the exhibition "Watercolor Stories" in the city of Korolev in 2019.

~ Participant of the exhibition "Graphics and Book Illustrations" the city of Korolev 2019.

~ Participant of the “Autumn Salon” in the city of Sergiev Posad 2019.

~ Personal exhibition in Khotkovo AXPK named Vasnetsova in 2019.

~ Personal exhibition in Khotkovo Cultural Center named Elizaveta Mamontova in 2020.